Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Late Night Update

Hey guys!

It's been roughly two weeks or more since the last update, and I thought it would be time for a new update. I've been working hard on a high score display system, as well as the Phoenix and its three AI phases.

The first phase is just shooting at the phoenix as he tries to breathe flames at you. Simple enough to code, but phase two was harder. For phase two, the phoenix goes up in the air and begins to circle in place at a certain height, and dives at the player occasionally. The third and final phase has the phoenix return the center of the screen and generate a shield which must be broken in order to harm him. Hugo is working on making the shield look fancy from each bullet hit to make it look damaged.

The new high score display system was originally going to look something like the Not Pacman++ Mod by Automatik from the Stabyourself forums, but I decided against such. Instead, it now looks more arcade-styled than plain.

Also, the amount of other high scores displayed is 10, not 9, it was a fix I realized which needed to be made. Still though, it's fancy!

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